Odense Aafart's tour on the river Odense Å

Here you can see Odense Aafart's route on Odense Å, with our 3 stops.
Read more about the individual stops and their location below the image.

Turbåd rute kort

Odense Aafart's tour boat stops at our three stops:

  1. Munke Mose
    Here you will also find our kiosk and ticket sales, where you can buy food and cold drinks for the boat trip.
    The address here is: Filosofgangen 30 B
    Departure from Munke Mose is always at ‘full’.
  2. Odense Zoo
    Our tour boat also stops at Odense Zoo, which makes it possible to combine a trip to Odense Zoo with a beautiful boat trip. Please note that the boat only stops at Odense Zoo on the trip towards Fruens Bøge. There is no stop on the return journey.
    A ticket to Odense Zoo is required to get on or off the boat at this stop, as it is inside the zoo itself.
    Read more about Odense Zoo here
    Departure from Odense Zoo is always at 20 minutes past ‘full’.
  3. Fruens Bøge
    Our tour boat stops and turns around at Erik Bøgs Sti in Fruens Bøge. You can see the location here
    If you haven't bought a ticket in advance, you can pay with MobilePay on board the boat.
    Departure from Fruens Bøge is always at ‘half past’.